1. I’m an Uncle to a New Human!
Congratulations to Hannah (my sister) and Robert on the birth of young Maxwell!
2. A Vacation Read — The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron
The path books take to arrive at our doorsteps has always fascinated me… maybe someone should write a book about it.
The Artist’s Way landed on my door via a shared video of a rapper named Harry Mack (an amazing freestyler, by the way!). After watching a few of his videos I followed him on Instagram. A week after following him, he released a podcast episode in which he talked about how doing “The Morning Pages” helped with his creativity. Curious about what morning pages were, I listened to the rest of the video until he mentioned The Artist’s Way.
I’m only in chapter 3 and I plan on writing a review when I finish. So far, I like it. I have some quibbles with her loosey-goosey approach to God as “whatever God means to you.” But I understand why she used it. Stay tuned.
3. Warm Weather Works Wonders
On one of our vacation days, it was cold and rainy, with a potential tornado back home! That’s just nasty. Thankfully no tornado!
Meanwhile, here in Florida, it was in the high 70’s, with a cool breeze. We spent a lot of time in the pool.
By the way: I get ideas aplenty while on vacation! If only I could monetize vacationing just so I could sell my ideas. If you have a thought on how to do that, please let me know.
In all seriousness, whenever I’m on vacation I’m reminded of their importance. Our minds need freedom from the constant deadlines and duties, that’s when we can play and dream and ideate.
What’s your ideal vacation? Mine involves the maximization of chill. Extra points if a beach is involved.
4. Disney World Fireworks
Typically when we go to Florida it will include one day at Disney World. These make for long days; to be sure, it’s the opposite of “the maximization of chill,” but fun.
Ashanti likes Disney World more than me, but I am a huge fan of Disney Music. Here’s my playlist if you are, too.
Funny story: Once I was lifting in the gym and trying to look as intimidating as possible so people would leave me alone. My headphones disconnected and, instead of pausing what was playing, the whole gym discovered that I was listening to a song from “Tangled”! Fail.
Because I like the music so much, their fireworks show is always worth the wait. Even if it means dealing with an unbelievable crowd!
Seriously, check out the crowd!
5. Top 5 Roadtrip Audiobooks
The rule: The person driving gets to choose what we listen to. As the primary driver, we usually listen to audiobooks. Sometimes I stumble on a gem that makes the road trip short. Here are my top 5 (note: I’m only including books 15 hours or shorter):
The Harry Potter series by JK Rowling (each book could’ve made the list, to be honest. My fav is The Prisoner of Azkaban.)
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline (language warning!)
The Chronicles of Narnia by CS Lewis
Project Hailmary by Andy Weir
The Bobiverse Series by Dennis Taylor
Honorable Mention: The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan.
Do you have a recommendation?
6. Running in Florida is Different!
I’ve taken up running again. I just got to a place where I could run 5 (slow) miles in Ohio, without stopping. I tried in Florida, but the humidity smirked at me and then defeated me. But there’s nothing wrong with intermittent walking and running.
7. Vacation Podcasts
One morning I decided to record my podcast while walking. I typically record in the safety of my office. As someone who desires to minister outside the 4-walls of the church more frequently, this was a great small step! Take a listen
8. A “Great” Quote to Read While Vacationing
Devils take great delight in fullness, and drunkenness and bodily comfort. Fasting possesses great power and it works glorious things. To fast is to banquet with angels.
— St. Athanasius the Great
Thanks, Athanasius. 😂😇
9. Forgetting Good Dreams
Don’t you hate when you wake up from a great dream then, as you’re trying to remember what happened, it’s like grains of sand falling through your fingers.
10. 41
While typing this, my phone reminded me that my birthday is in 2 days. I don’t lament getting old. Indeed, I feel like I’ve always had a 40-year-old soul. Therefore, in a way, I’m becoming who I was made to be. 😊
To God be the glory!
I have high respect for your 41 year old soul. On vacation, my best experiences are interacting with and learning about other cultures. Helps me appreciate what I have as well as all that we have in common.